martedì 25 gennaio 2011

the titan mith

Titan is the generic name of six children of Uranus and Gaea (or Gaia) and their six sisters, Titanidi.
From the youngest of them, Kronos, who dethroned his father Uranus, was originally the Olympic race, which the god Zeus is greatest in the pantheon of Greece.
Zeus, the newest member of Kronos, in turn, dethroned his father, aided by the other Olympians and even the largest of the Titans, Ocean, who had remained on the sidelines when everyone else had supported their younger brother in the conquest of Cronus throne instead of his father Uranus.
This struggle, known Titanomachia, where the Titans are the protagonists, is told by Hesiod in the Theogony. It begins with the mutilation of Uranus by Cronus, the other Titans, who had been expelled from heaven by Uranus, Cronus returned to skirt, but later they were attacked by Zeus, when he became an adult, he wanted to take the place of the father .
The fight lasted for ten years and finally ended with the victory of Zeus - helped not only by the Olympics but also by Hecatonchires and Prometheus - which together with the other Olympians won the sky and crashed the Titans in Tartarus.

In October 1671 Thurs Domenico Cassini discovered a satellite of Saturn, named after the mythical Iapetus, Titan, son of Heaven and Earth, and a year later identified a second, which he called Rhea, wife of Saturn and mother of Zeus, Poseidon and Pluto.

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